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Groningen Railport exists to responsibly and sustainably promote economic activities and the regional logistics function at the transhipment modalities, business sites and other logistics hubs under its authority or management.
The ambitions in the development of Groningen Railport are mainly to achieve structural growth in the logistics activities. This growth in storage and transhipment activities is achieved mainly by encouraging more local and regional companies to include rail transport in their logistics processes. In other words, Groningen Railport is positioned in such a way that it is able to develop a broader market reach. The public nature of the terminal will be given a central role in this positioning. Groningen Railport will also be placed in a broader international perspective by (among other things) creating connections with the logistical development and transport options that run via Groningen Seaports.
If you have any questions, please call during office hours Erik Bertholet
+31 (0)65 393 9275 or mail to e.bertholet@groningen-seaports.com.